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Ela and Josef Syrel - Don't stop!

Josef Syrel

Josef was born in France towards the end of the war. The favorable environment in which his family evolved allowed him, after higher education, to set up his own firm in the field of artistic creation. His love life, marked by disappointments, was marked by two failures ending in two divorces. Until the day…

Ela Syrel

Ela was born in a small village in northern South America, thirty-four years after Josef. As a teenager, driven by a fierce desire to succeed in life, she worked in administrative services during the day and studied at night to become an engineer. With her degree in hand, she was able to join a large pharmaceutical laboratory. On the internet, she met Josef. Her life was turned upside down. She got married and he kidnapped her.

Ela and Josef Syrel - Don't stop!

  • Une femme en Amérique Latine et un homme en Europe se contactent, par un improbable hasard de l’internet. Josef a soixante-deux ans. Suite à une séparation, il vit seul depuis plusieurs mois et noie sa solitude sur un site de rencontres. En feuilletant les pages des femmes inscrites, il s’arrête sur celle d’une jeune colombienne de vingt-neuf ans, fasciné par sa photo. Il lui adresse un message. Contre toute attente elle lui répond. Très vite, Ela et Josef se découvrent une passion commune pour l’exploration érotique qu’ils partagent d’abord sur internet… Ce récit n’est pas un roman, c’est notre histoire. En la racontant à deux voix, nous avons voulu mettre en lumière les nuances de nos perceptions mutuelles, celles du mâle et celles de la femelle.

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