Didier Voyenne
After graduating from ESSEC and CNAM, where he has since taught in parallel, Didier Voyenne led an intense professional life in various industrial and service companies, in the accounting and financial fields. He has also co-written technical works on this subject. For more than twenty years, he played competitive chess. However, theater, cinema and literature are his personal interests, and writing is his deep desire. He has written four novels and two plays.
He won the 2020 AlterPublishing Prize for The Palindrome .
Didier Voyenne - The Parisian Anchorite
Since his divorce, Antoine has lived alone with his cat Moïse, his confidant. The only woman in his life is now Madeleine, the concierge of the building where he lives. Full of common sense, indiscreet and invasive, she doesn't mince her words and her cat Noé, in many ways, resembles her, just as Moïse is a reflection of Antoine.
One day, Antoine receives a disturbing and threatening letter. Who comes to disturb his peace? What do they want from him?
He confides in his friend Philippe, who will put Étienne, an inspector he knows very well, on the case. Other letters of the same ilk as the first arrive. The investigation is launched...
But what are the real roles of Moses and Noah?
Play in five tableaux and fourteen scenes