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Julien Scavini - From thread to pencil (Volume II)

Julien Scavini

Julien Scavini, after his training as an architect, began training as a tailor with André Guilson in Paris. In parallel with this apprenticeship, he started the blog Stiff Collar on which he tells and explains the history and techniques of tailoring. This blog is entirely illustrated by Julien Scavini. He thus combines his two passions: writing and drawing. Spotted by Marabout editions, he then published Modemen which compiles information from the blog. LE FIGARO MAGAZINE also calls on his talents to write a weekly column: La Bonne Mesure du Tailleur Scavini. Finally, he was for several seasons the judge of the televised sewing competition COUSU MAIN on M6 presented by Cristina Cordula. At AlterPublishing, he also published two volumes of annotated sketchbooks Du fil au crayon and Billets d'élégances.

He won the 2023 AlterPublishing Prize for Billets d'élégances .

Julien Scavini - From thread to pencil (Volume II)

  • Julien Scavini created the Stiff Collar blog in 2009, when he entered the École des Tailleurs. Initially, it was about recounting the delicate learning of this manual profession on a day-to-day basis. Little by little, the weekly posts also deciphered the customs and traditions attached to classic men's suits and clothing. How do you recognize a good suit? What is a tuxedo? When do you wear black shoes?

    From the beginning and for each column, Julien strives to illustrate the subject himself, with a figurine with a characteristic clear line ! This first notebook is an annotated compilation of the best sketches.

    Julien is the author of two books: ModeMen published by Marabout and 100 Pour Cent Chic published by Le Figaro. In addition, every week, Le Figaro Magazine publishes an exclusive illustrated column.

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