The Chouan of the cities
The Chouan des villes ran the blog of the same name for six years.
He won the 2018 AlterPublishing Prize for The Chronicles of the Elegant Man .
The Chouan of the cities - The classic man Secrets of elegance
The men's wardrobe has not escaped the anger of the deconstructors, true demolition contractors. Traditional rules and customs have been thrown in the trash. The new ways obey only one requirement, that of comfort. Cool. Everyone dresses as they please. There is a general lack of care. Elegance and dignity are no longer in fashion.
Among the slouches, the classic man is an exception. His ideal is that of the honest man, for whom correct dress is, to quote Chanel, "the outward translation of moral honesty, of authenticity of feelings." The classic man is upright. He stands straight.
This guide is practical in two ways: like all guides, it provides information and advice; but it also aims to be efficient, a combat weapon.
Civilizational rearmament requires a reappropriation of dress codes. Let us visibly demonstrate our refusal of the world as it is… or is not. Let us make our clothing a sign of contradiction.
Illustrations by Victor Rohu
Preface by Julien Scavini